NGO Corruption Perceptions
May 24, 2021
Thank you to the IPSA Research Committee for inviting me to present a developing paper on how group identity, expectations, and experience influence NGO corruption perceptions.
From July 1-3, 2019, I was fortunate enough to be able to present in the International Political Science Association Research Committee on Political Finance and Political Corruption. It was hosted by Federal University of Parana in Curitiba, Brazil. In addition to enjoying the beautiful sights of this welcoming city, I was also able to expand my horizons due to the company of my wonderful peers.

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As an exciting update, beginning July 30, 2019, we will be re-launching our weekly newsletter. Please subscribe at to receive cutting edge, practical, and applicable information on nonprofits. Only by subscribing, will you will also be able to receive useful tools that will help you maximize your impact, build your organization, and build stronger communities!
Thank you to my peers!
Warmest regards,
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